WordPress joins the Fediverse

This is a short article just to see how well the new integration works, but on October 11 2023 WordPress announced that all blogs they host can now be followed by users of Mastodon and other Federated systems.

At first I thought they were going to limit this for just the Business tier (the one you can add plugins to) but they’ve made it available to all tiers.

It’s not enabled by default but to enable all you need to do is go into Settings -> Discussion and you now see a new Fediverse settings section:

The new Fediverse settings block

Just enable the Enter the fediverse slider and you are given your blog’s address in the fediverse.

For me, in Mastodon I just entered the given address into the search box,
@area-51.blog@area-51.blog in my case and it showed up almost immediately. Click Follow and I was then following my blog.

Self hosting

I did check afterwards and for those who self-host WordPress the plugin is available at https://wordpress.org/plugins/activitypub/

Limiting battery charge to improve lifetime

A common issue with Laptops is that, if you keep your AC adapter connected while using a laptop, the battery is often in a state of  high-power(98-100%) for extended length of time which causes a reduction in battery life.

Now one feature ASUS had with with Windows was ASUS Battery Health Charging where it allows you to limit the batteries charge limit to a lower level which, over time extends the battery life.

As I wiped Windows and installed Linux Mint, my laptop was charging all the time so how can I do the same under Linux?

Continue reading “Limiting battery charge to improve lifetime”

Linux on the ASUS Zenbook Duo Pro 14

After 10 years of service, my old laptop was getting a bit long in the tooth. Although it was working perfectly fine, those 10 long years had taken a toll on it’s battery, let alone it was on it’s third power supply, so it was finally time to get a replacement so it could retire doing something else less mobile.

in the end I opted for an ASUS Zenbook Duo Pro 14 which among other things has 2 touch screens built in – yes 2 screens!

Continue reading “Linux on the ASUS Zenbook Duo Pro 14”